Thanks to time differences, I can say that I'll be in New York in 24 hours.
Being an Account of Bright College Years and Adventures Both Domestic and Foreign, Ornamented with Pictures and Supplied Throughout With Insightful and Edifying Reflections, in both Prose and Verse.
On Sunday I went to the rowing races at Shunyi, I got there a bit late but I saw more or less all of the quad races. The picture at left is of China beating England by a fairly comfortable margin. |
This is a more or less typical example of early Chinese bronzeware, showing the high level of workmanship that modern craftsmen have had little success in replicating. |
To take this picture of a jinlüyuyi, a garment made of jade worn by the deceased in their tombs, I had to reach over the heads of a crowd of museumgoers. |
Next we went to the Military Museum, guarded by military police taking refuge under umbrellas bearing McDonald's ads. |
Many of the exhibits at the Military Museum were just collections of old weapons. There were however a few more interesting things.... |
...such as this placard on the base of a rather ugly Soviet-style propaganda statue. The devils in question are, naturally, the Japanese. |
Chairman Mao had pride of place in the lobby; and since I hadn't taken my obligatory photo with a Mao statue yet, I figured it was as good a chance as any. |
MotherThe world laughed at you for being backward;The world was full of envy and anxiety when you opened up and
progressed into a financial powerhouse;The world condemned you when you put law and order into the
upheaval and lawlessness created by followers of a self proclaimed Robin Hood in
Tibet but failed to applaud when you used your influence to save the lives of
Burmese monks;The world threatened to boycott and disrupt the August
Olympics on ground of your violations of human rights standards set by the West
who by apartheid policies and discrimination of coloured people blatantly
violated for ages the same standards set.Let me tell you Mother as a dragon seed brought up outside
China:They fear you Mother as you out compete them;They fear you Mother as you are set to replace them at the
healm of word order faster than they can accept;They fear you Mother as you have refused to take sides in
every international dispute as you believe that to each his own and from each
his best;They fear you Mother as you have by hardwork hastened the
failure and decadence of self assumed western supremacy system;And finally for the period 12th May to eternity, you have
shown the world the tenderness, love and care of the best guardian government
and leaders the Chinese People can ever have contrasting greatly with the
aftermath of the Florida and Burmese cyclone.Mother, words of praises and admiration will never come from
the West as they have painted you falsely as a hardcore monster with no feelings
for your own for too long and the Western World is watching with total disbelief
on CNN,BBC,Fox Media, live, the search, rescue, care and rebuilding operations
to restore life and normalcy into the millions of displaced victims led by
brothers Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao demonstrating love care and simplicity with no
political agenda whatsoever.Mother, we whether in or out of the Great Wall are lucky and
proud to be descendants of the ever Supreme Dragon.Amen.Mr. Ben 吕律师Chairman / CEO,Bensports Satellite TVMay 2008
It's not a masterpiece of calligraphy, but it's done in a fairly standard modern interpretation of the Small Seal script, a bit more whimsical than the sort you'd stamp on a document; which I think is very pleasing and apt, given the meaning of the characters. The characters are drawn from the Chinese language's vast archive of four-character descriptive phrases, referring to——